What is SEO? How much should I pay for SEO?

According to research, 85% of users, when searching for a product/service or exploring ‘What is SEO,’ start their hunt online.

If they search their precious queries on the internet, then your website should come up in the search results. If you want to sell your product/service online, this is the most important part. This is the power of SEO.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a type of process of increasing the quantity (& quality) of website traffic through search engine tools.

Research shows that websites that come up to the first page of Google search results get around 95% of clicks.

How To Do SEO?

Professional SEO agency in London uses their technical and creative activities to get quality website traffic for a website. Usually, they do ‘Onsite SEO’ and ‘Offsite SEO’ both for a website depending on your SEO plan.

1. Onsite SEO

Onsite SEO simply means optimizing the content of a website to improve the accessibility and experience of web users. Some activities include:

Keyword Research: Keyword researching is a type of mechanism in which an SEO Expert researches the type of words and frequency used by a web user while finding a particular product or service.

Onsite Optimization: Improving the website layouts, content, images, internal and external links, etc. comes in this part.

Website Auditing: Website auditing is a ‘website analysis process’ to find out any shortcomings of the website to improve it.

2. Offsite SEO

Offsite SEO is a type of mechanism carried out outside of a website to improve organic visibility. This is also referred to as ‘Link building‘ which aims to increase the website’s quality traffic.

In simple words, a reputable website can pass a quality link to a poor website. so that it can increase the number of visitors to a poor website. Some activities include:

Content Marketing: Reputable websites link to extraordinary web content. so writing some unique and quality content can help in getting these links. This might include an awesome article, a guide, a how-to guide, or an infographic with informative data.

Digital PR: This might include writing and creating for external publications, original research, product placement, and much more.

Promotion & Outreach: This can be online and offline promotion, including communicating with bloggers, influencers, and journalists about a product, service, or resources to earn links to a website.

Online Resources To Learn SEO

If you want to learn SEO, there are lots of helpful online resources, some of them are :

Google SEO Starter Guide – From Google
A Step-by-Step Guide – From Neil Patel
Beginners Guide to SEO – From Moz

How Much Should You Pay For SEO?

It depends on the type of business, the website you run, and what is the market situation in your particular business area.

SEO pricing can be considered by :

  • Business Situation: Where is your business currently located?
  • Business Goal: Where do you want to be?
  • Timeline: How fast do you want to be there?


An average SEO expert charges between $50-$100 per hour. Further, the average monthly lies between $500-$1000 per month. For more information, you can also get in touch with us.

Unlock the secrets of SEO success with Webvizion Global, the leading SEO Company in London! Ready to elevate your online visibility? Contact us today and let’s craft a tailored SEO strategy for your success!

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A British National currently based in Dubai & London, Amit brings on board over 15 years of international experience in business development, marketing, E-commerce, and strategy.