10 Smart Tricks to Reduce Cart Abandonment

Here you check and read 10 Smart Tricks to Reduce Cart Abandonment.

Imagine it’s a Sunday and you are sitting on a couch, scrolling through Facebook, with a coffee mug in your hand. You’re enjoying liking your friend’s pics on Facebook and suddenly an advert pops up, that says there’s a discount on your favorite iPhone case. You got excited and said “That’s so cool!”

You click on the ad, go to that website, and come to the checkout page to purchase the item. Unfortunately, in the middle of the checkout, you receive a phone call from your friend asking to go out. then you take the last sip of coffee. and you’re already out.

What about your favorite iPhone case ??

What is Cart Abandonment & Why It Happens?

Cart Abandonment is a process in which shoppers add an item to a website shopping cart, go to the checkout page, but leave it without finishing the transaction.

According to a report, the average cart abandonment rate is 69.89%. This means only 30% of shoppers complete the whole transaction. that’s strange, isn’t it

Okay, before discussing the solutions for this, let’s know first why this happens. let’s take a look at the statistics from Statista:

Now, as you can see there is a variety of reasons why people left the checkout page, such as bad site navigation, expensive shipping rate, no free shipping, long website process, etc.

Now let’s discuss the solutions.

#1. Offer guest checkout options

Some websites force customers to create an account before showing them the final checkout page. This is one of the biggest mistakes that increase a site’s cart abandonment.

Approx. 14% of shoppers, abandon the cart if it forces them to create an account. Customers hate to fill out registration forms. they don’t like to provide their personal/professional details before buying an item.

By offering a guest checkout option, you are reducing the risk of cart abandonment.

#2. Simplify your website checkout page

Customers often get irritated during the checkout process, if there are lots of steps to follow and make the final transaction. they want a quick and simple checkout page.

Customers want an item quickly. So make sure to simplify the checkout process. Simplify means :

  • Customers choose an item
  • Add it to the cart
  • Go to the checkout page
  • Choose shipping type
  • Choose payment type
  • And make the payment.

That’s it.

Remember, don’t make customers upset during the checkout process.

#3. Add Multiple product images

Visual appearance is very important, especially in an e-commerce website. your site design, product images, infographics, and other website images should look good. as they play an important role.

Your website images, as well as your product images, should be well-represented. al make sure to put multiple images for every single product of your website.

It’s important to show a product from each angle. also showing a product image in the checkout process can also be a good choice.

#4. Make your e-commerce website mobile-friendly

Each year more and more people make their purchases of mobile devices. According to Statista, this trend will not stop and will be going up in upcoming years.

It’s estimated that by 2021, over 70% of all online purchases will be done on mobile.

So it means if your website isn’t mobile-optimized, then you’re losing sales. Not everyone has time to open their laptop or desktop to make the purchase, they purchase on the go.

It also plays an important role in driving high-quality traffic for your business.

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#5. Offer Free Shipping Options

This is the top reason for cart abandonment. Customers don’t want to pay some extra shipping amount for an item they want to purchase.

When they see the price is in their budget, it’s okay, but when they go for it and suddenly see the total cost of a product including shipping is very high, they feel fooled.

This reduces their trust in the company. To prevent this issue, offer a free shipping option for each product. This means you can disclose the total cost of a product at the very beginning.

#6. Show Security Badges on your Website

Today, lots of shoppers are afraid, that if their card information will get stolen. So that’s why some of the users don’t enter their card details on unrecognized websites.

Including security, a badge is proven to help instill confidence. and it also helps in reducing cart abandonment.

Have a look at the statistics of badges consumers trusted the more :

#7. Use Well-Designed Exit Intent Popups

Imagine, a user comes to your website, browses some of the products, selects a favorite product, and adds it to the cart but eventually, decides not to make the purchase and leaves the website.

Suddenly, an attractive popup window appears, which informs him that he will get a 20 % discount on the same product. Now you think he will leave the site OR he will make the purchase. Yes, maximum chances are he will buy the product with a 20% awesome discount.

That’s the power of exit-intent popups. They will provide some eye-catching discounts to the customers with a strong call to action “Special offer”. which encourages them to complete the transaction.

#8. Optimize Website Page Loading Time

Yes, Slow-loading websites do have more cart abandonment as compared to fast-loading websites. According to Visual Website Optimizer, E-commerce website sales drop 7% for every one-second delay in page loading time.

On average 65% of a website’s weight consists of images. So make sure to optimize all your website images. Images are the main reason for slow-loading websites. Check out this article “Why you should optimize your website images?“.

Besides images, you should also compress/combine your website JS, and CSS. If you are using WordPress, then you can also use some powerful caching plugins for your website, like :

  • WP Fastest Cache
  • W3 Total Cache
  • WP Super Cache

Shoppers love a fast-loading website and they love to purchase an item from a fast-loading website. It also increases their trust in the website.

#9. Offer Multiple Payment Options & Add a Currency Converter

Every online shopper wants multiple choices in terms of shipping options, payment options, etc. In the 7th point, we will discuss why you should offer a variety of payment options to a shopper.

Some people prefer PayPal some prefer their Visa, or Mastercard to pay. you should provide them with payment gateway options if you hate cart abandonment.

So, add as many payment providers to your website and they (online shoppers) will choose their favorite one. it will make them comfortable during the checkout process.

#10. Offer a Live Chat Option

Your shoppers may have some questions and technical issues about your product/service. Hesitation is the mortal enemy of e-commerce store retailers.

If they want to chat with someone about the product quality then what they will do? they will not go to the “Contact” page and call you before buying an item, right? Instead,d they can chat with someone quickly so you can provide them with a Live Chat Option. A live chat option will solve all the issues they are facing before buying a product.

The live chat option service is very effective in keeping the customer satisfied so that they can complete the transaction.

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A British National currently based in Dubai & London, Amit brings on board over 15 years of international experience in business development, marketing, E-commerce, and strategy.