5 Simple & Effective Ways to Optimize Your Website for Lead Generation

A website is the face of the business, serving various purposes. Some provide basic information on services, while others focus on strategic elements for lead generation and revenue growth.

There are several ways you can generate more sales from your website, so in this article, we’ll discuss the top 5 most effective ways that can help you generate more revenue for your business.

1. Use Live Chat Application For Your Website

Live chat applications help you to turn your visitors into customers. Live chat software is one of the most effective and faster ways to engage your website visitors. Using this type of app you can help your visitors before they leave your website. You can provide them with your support right away and resolve their queries.

Many business owners are using live chat software for their websites to increase customer satisfaction rates. Today approx. 30% of website visitors expect live chat applications on your website. For mobile visitors, this number is as high as 62%. So if you aren’t using a live chat application on your business yet, you are ignoring your customers and losing business sales.

2. Add Enquiry Form At The Bottom Of Every Page Of Your Website

Having an inquiry form on the contact page of your website is good. But why not use it on every single page of your website? Yes, having a form (especially on services pages) on other website pages might be beneficial. It’s a good practice to provide your website visitors with more options to connect with you.

In case you think, it’s an “Overdoing” lead-capturing activity then you can use it on the most popular pages of your website. Just make sure your web developer creates a mobile responsive form (with fewer fields) so that mobile users don’t wanna skip it.

3. Use Lead Generation Forms Instead Of Simple Forms

Start using lead generation forms instead of simple “How can we help?” forms. The simple inquiry form is too boring and not everyone shows their interest in filling it. But lead generation forms are new interesting and interactive forms that can grab anyone’s attention.

The best example is “Leadformly“. These types of forms can help you increase your leads up to 200-300%. These types of forms are easy to fill out and you will start seeing the difference from the very first month.

4. Offer Reviews & Testimonials

Reviews are very important which shows the “Trust line” between your business and customers. According to a recent customer survey 85% of customers trust online reviews.

So we recommend you to put as many reviews as you can. Ask your customers for a testimonial after completing every successful project.

5. Analyze Google Analytics Data

Regularly checking your Google Analytics data can help you find your marketing’s “weak point”. So that you can use this same time(& money) to focus on other stronger points. Using the Google Analytics tool you can get a deeper understanding of your customers and traffic.

For example, you could find out if your Facebook traffic isn’t converting into leads OR if your SEO is not working as you expected.

The main point here is to identify and eliminate poorly performing traffic resources and find out which traffic source is bringing the most traffic and conversions so that you can do some advanced work on it.

Final Thoughts

If you have some additional suggestions, please write them down in the comment section. If you are looking to optimize your website for lead generation then do contact Webvizion Global We’d love to help!

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A British National currently based in Dubai & London, Amit brings on board over 15 years of international experience in business development, marketing, E-commerce, and strategy.