Lots of small and big businesses don’t want to invest their time and money into blogging. If you are also one of them this might be your biggest mistake. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of regular blogging and why you should start doing it now.
Okay, so your website is finished and it’s looking great. It offers a positive user experience. It’s mobile-optimized and has lots of glowing testimonials from your clients. You are getting enough traffic but somehow, you’re still not getting enough sales for your business.
This might be a reason that you’re overlooked on your site: adding a blog.
Now this question might come to your mind “Does blogging helps drive sales and grow your business?”
Well in this article we will try to convince you why your website needs a blog and why you should regularly blog to grow your business. so let’s start.
1. Blogging Helps Driving Traffic To Your Website
If you want more traffic, start blogging. Blogging helps small and big businesses to get more quality traffic.
According to recent HubSpot marketing statistics, a company that publishes 16+ articles per month receives approx. 3.5 times more traffic as compared to companies that publish only 0-4 articles per month. The key is to publish regular, organic, and fresh content to your website which can drive more traffic.
Another main advantage of blogging is that it’s free. So you don’t need to pay a single amount of money.
Let’s Boost your business sales
2. Visitors Trust Company Blogs
When a new visitor comes to your website, he’ll find the same services offered by hundreds of other companies, so why would he purchase from yours?
Here, blogging plays a major role. Blogging can boost new visitors’ engagement. In your business blog, you can publish anything that you want. From company news and announcements, upcoming events, and professional resources to helpful articles and tutorials. It differentiates your business from your competition.
Blogging beats advertising. A lot of visitors trust a company blog to find more information about the company.
3. It Offers Fresh Content To Post on Social Media
Social media platforms are a very good source to drive traffic to your website. But you can’t always put external links to your website on social media platforms, because it makes your social media presence feel grumpy and spammy. Your customer’s engagement will start decreasing and you will notice it in the coming days.
So what to do now, the solution here is blogging. You can start writing some fresh and useful content and share it on various social media platforms. this way you are giving your customers something new every day which they’ll love.
Just make sure you are maintaining a consistent blog schedule and offering quality information to your social media followers. It will also increase your chance to bring some new customers to your website.
4. Another Opportunity To Get Website Traffic
Fresh content means frequent indexing. It’s really important to frequently add fresh content to your website. Google loves frequent updates on a website. If you are frequently adding new articles to your site then search engine crawlers will frequently look at your website. and you have the opportunity to achieve a higher ranking on search results.
So that’s why regularly blogging helps you get more website traffic.
Additional Point:
Don’t forget On-site SEO of Your Blog
We all know that regular blogging helps drive traffic to your website. But don’t ignore On-Site SEO. Every article you publish on your website should be well SEO optimized.
After publishing your new article, your job is not done. You have some other things to do like:
– Adding correct meta title and descriptions
– Implement effective URL structure
– Image and video optimization
– Article images ALT and title text
– Internal and external links
– User-friendly URLs
– Allow your visitors to subscribe to your blog
– Sharing on the social media platform
So, those are some quick tips you should follow after publishing your blog. Now only for new blog, you should also check previous articles and pages of your website. If you need some help in On-site SEO, Contact Webvizion Global. We’d love to help.